Waterproofing For Basement From The Floors To The Walls, Windows, And Doors

21 September 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Waterproofing a basement is a must for homeowners since it could prevent a lot of flooding disasters in case of heavy rainfall. Water can destroy your house foundation and, even worse, cause mold to grow if you don't take the necessary steps immediately. The following waterproofing guide will ensure your home is protected from the floors to the ceilings of your basement:

An Introduction to Basement Waterproofing

Water gets into basements faster than you can imagine. If the ground is even slightly damp, water will seep into your basement through cracks in the foundation, especially if there are any openings for pipes or plumbing. Plus, moisture tends to wick up through the walls. Once it hits cold surfaces like concrete or stone, it will permeate the wall's surface and eventually make its way into your living space. When water starts getting in, you will find wet spots on the walls and floor, puddles under cabinets, and damage to drywall. It can even cause mold growth.

Waterproofing Ceilings and Walls

Waterproofing ceilings and walls is an important part of owning a home with a basement. If you've done some research on how to cure your basement, you probably learned about the need for waterproofing your basement walls. Most basement waterproofing methods will require you to seal your masonry walls first. Most sealing methods used to seal basement walls are all about improving your home's insulation and energy efficiency. Some basements might have concrete ceilings for structural features like porches with wine cellars beneath them. These ceilings also require waterproofing from the outside to keep the inside of the basement dry.

Waterproofing Around Doors

Waterproofing around doors is important. That's because water or moisture can get inside if the doors are closed for too long, or if the door is not properly waterproofed. There are many ways to waterproof a basement door. However, it's important to do this task right the first time. You can use solid rubber or neoprene gaskets (typically placed in the threshold) to ensure no water can get in when the door is closed. Another option is to use weather stripping on the bottom of the door near the floor and seal up lower gaps and the threshold by adding a bead of caulking.

Preventing Mold Growth With Ventilation

Mold is the biggest threat to your basement's structure. The main reason for mold growth in the basement is the lack of ventilation. Therefore, it is necessary to choose different options for ventilation to prevent moisture buildup. One should ventilate the basement with an exhaust fan to keep moisture at bay. You can also talk with a contractor about installing a dehumidifier for your basement ventilation to ensure it stays dry.

Waterproof your basement before water starts finding its way in. Contact a basement waterproofing service for further information.
