What Homeowners Need To Know About Chimney Liners And Chimney Liner Replacement

5 April 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Every properly-built chimney has a liner. This is a sleeve, made from either metal or clay, which stretches up the length of the chimney and sits inside the bricks. The chimney liner prevents smoke from seeping out between the bricks and instead directs the smoke all of the way up and out the top of the chimney. Luckily, there are chimney care companies that can do the hard parts of caring for, inspecting, and replacing chimney liners for you. However, it is still good for you, as a homeowner, to know the basics about chimney liners.

How long do they last?

Chimney liners are fairly long-lived. It is hard to put an exact number on their lifespan, but they last for decades. Those made from clay tend to last longer than those made from metal since the metal does eventually corrode or rust. The lifespan will also depend on how often you use your chimney, how well-sealed your chimney is, and how often you have the chimney cleaned.

What are the signs of chimney liner damage?

Since chimney liners have such a variable lifespan, it is important to be aware of the key signs yours is suffering. One clear sign is chunks of clay or metal falling out of the chimney and into your fireplace or wood-burning stove. These chunks are generally parts of the chimney liner that have broken loose.  Another sign is the appearance of condensation in your fireplace or flue. This could mean that the airflow through the chimney is poor, which could be due to a damaged liner. Smoke coming into your home or your CO detector going off are other key signs. Put the fire out immediately if either of these things occur.

What will a chimney company do about a damaged chimney liner?

In most cases, it is easier to replace the chimney liner than to repair it. If your chimney is wide enough, your chimney repair team may simply leave the old liner in place and install a new one to the inside of it. This will prevent the contents of the chimney from making direct contact with the damaged liner. If you have a clay liner, they may simply break it into pieces and remove them before installing a new liner.

Hopefully this article has taught you some useful basics about chimney liners. Keep an eye out for signs that yours is struggling and contact a chimney repair professional for an inspection.
